Alien: Isolation Creeps Its Way Onto the Switch in 2019

Take Alien: Isolationโ€™s Terrifying Gameplay on the Go!

First-person horror game Alien: Isolation is launching on the Switch this year, Nintendo announced on Tuesday during its E3 2019 Direct. No release date was revealed but thereโ€™s an official trailer that can be viewed below.

The Switch port will be handled by Feral Interactive, a publisher & developer that has previously ported Alien: Isolation to Mac & Linux.

Alien: Isolation is set on the futuristic space station Sevastapol and players take control of a mechanic named Amanda Ripley. Amanda is on Sevastapol to search for clues about the disappearance of her mother, Ellen Ripley. Unfortunately, thereโ€™s also a massive, deadly alien on the station and itโ€™s going around killing Sevastapolโ€™s residents. Amanda will have to deal with the alien, murderous androids, and gun-toting survivors while trying to find out what happened to her mother.

Alien: Isolation

Our 2014 review of the Xbox One version had a lot of praise for the gameโ€™s atmosphere. โ€œIt is a chilling, suspenseful and downright terrifying love letter to fans of the Alien franchise,โ€ the reviewer wrote. โ€œHell, you can still get enjoyment out of Alien: Isolation if youโ€™ve never even seen one of the movies. Its ability to create that tense feeling of utter helplessness is second to none and something we havenโ€™t seen done this well in a long time.โ€

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