A New Ghost Recon Game Is Getting Announced This Week

A New Entry In the Ghost Recon Series Is In the Works

Ubisoft revealed on Monday that a new Ghost Recon game will be getting announced on Thursday at 11:30 AM PT/2:30 PM ET. This upcoming announcement was previously teased in a recent Ghost Recon Wildlands campaign.

Ghost Recon

โ€œCalling all Ghosts. Tune into the World Premiere event May 9 at 11:30 am PT,โ€ Ubisoftโ€™s Monday announcement on Twitter read. โ€œ[Like] this Tweet to watch the Official Announce Trailer on May 9!โ€

Itโ€™s been over two years since Wildlands launched in 2017 and, while it didnโ€™t get great review scores, it went on to be commercially successful.

This upcoming game could be a Wildlands sequel to a new different game in the franchise altogether. Ubisoft didnโ€™t provide any additional details on Monday about what exactly this new Ghost Recon game will be.

What do you think of this news? Are you interested in a new Ghost Recon game? What new features do you think Ubisoft should bring to this upcoming entry in the franchise? Do you think this game is a Wildlands sequel or the beginning of a new series? Let us know your thoughts on this news story in the comments section below the article.