Listing For Red Faction Evolution Appears on Nvidia Site

Leak Season Begins Once Again

For just a moment, the phrase โ€˜Red Faction Evolutionโ€™ appeared on the list of Nvidia compatible games. Itโ€™s since vanished into the ether, though some screenshots were captured first. Whether itโ€™s legit or not, one thingโ€™s for certain: the pre-E3 leak cascade has begun.

Red Faction Evolution

If you go to the site, the aforementioned listing is replaced with Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered. So, either the leak listing never existed, or Nvidia very quickly swapped it out to avoid looking like Wal-Mart level fools in front of the whole dang internet. This close to E3, anything is possible.

As with all things leak-related, take this news with a heaping dose of skepticism. Weโ€™re only a couple of weeks from the Big Show, after all. This is the season for all of your wildest, weirdest hopes and dreams to get trotted out on a massive stage. Itโ€™s also the perfect time to go around spreading hogwash and hooey. Youโ€™ve been warned!