Ex-Rockstar Games Executive Accused of Groping Former Rockstar Developer

The Accused Former Rockstar Games Executive Has Denied the Allegations

A former Rockstar Games developer has accused Rockstarโ€™s former vice president of product development of sexually assaulting him at a California nightclub in 2014.

Rockstar Games

Colin Bundschu told Kotaku that former Rockstar Games executive Jeronimo Barrera had groped him, requested a lap dance from him, and rubbed his inner thigh during a nightclub visit in November 2014.

Several former Rockstar employees told Kotaku that Bundschu had told them about the incident (with varying degrees of detail) days after it allegedly occurred. Bundschu also told Kotaku that he had contacted Rockstarโ€™s human resources department about the alleged incident and provided several emails as proof. However, due to a lack of corroborating evidence that supported the allegations, no action was taken against Barrera.

Bundschu eventually left Rockstar in 2015 and Barrera reportedly left the company last December after working there for 20 years.

Rockstar Games

Kotaku contacted Barrera last week about the sexual assault allegations and he denied that this incident had occurred. Barreraโ€™s attorney also issued a statement to Kotaku that read, โ€œMr. Barrera categorically denies all of the allegations of misconduct you raised with him.โ€

Rockstar declined to comment on the allegations and its parent company, Take-Two Interactive, said in a statement that it takes matters of employee misconduct โ€œextremely seriously.โ€

โ€œWhile we do not comment publicly on the specifics of individual investigations, in any case where an employee raises workplace concerns, we investigate them and take appropriate action,โ€ Take-Twoโ€™s statement read.

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