Social Media Accounts of Call of Duty Have All Gone Quiet

Start the Countdown, Call of Duty is Coming

Well, its that time of year again. Another Call of Duty game is coming. We should all be used to this by now but here we are. After a year of anticipation, rumors and a bunch of other drama. The next Call of Duty game is expected to be officially announced on Thursday. All the speculation will be put aside when we finally find out what Call of Duty has been cooking up over the past months.

call of duty

In preparation for all of this, almost all of the Call of Duty social media accounts essentially shut off. There has not been a peep out of them. A franchise that constantly pumps out info and interacts with fans on social media has gone into hiding.

All that is left, is for the Call of Duty fanbase to start hurling out outlandish and wild conspiracy theories concerning the next installment in the franchise. What is the setting? Will there be a battle royal mode? Will there be a single player? Are they ever going to remaster Modern Warfare 2? The list could go on.

Speaking of Modern Warfare 2, there have been a number of rumors that have teased at the idea of Activision rebooting the Modern Warfare series. These are obviously only rumors but it isnโ€™t hard to see why they may return to their roots. The Modern Warfare series is what really turned the Call of Duty franchise into the behemoth that it is today.

Keep your eyes peeled for info this week. Activision is more than likely going to drop hints in the build-up to the trailer.

What do you think? What will the next setting be? Be sure to let us know in the comments down below as well as on Twitter and Instagram.
