Giants with Lasers on Their Heads
What do you do when everything wants to kill you? You kill them first. Rage 2 launches in a couple of months and it’s about time we saw a bit more of what we’ll be up against. Hence, the latest trailer is a montage of unique enemies, smug cliffs, and a buffalo.
On the edge of sanity, smug cliffs can be a wasteland hero’s greatest enemy, so the folks at Bethesda decided to offer a warning. As players take on invisible samurai, redneck mechs, and giants with lasers on their heads, remember to stay away from high falls. The number of ways to die will apparently become apparent as players explore the world of Rage 2. All the aforementioned madness is visible in the latest trailer, available down below.
During my hands-on time with Rage 2, I caught a glimpse of an interesting story on top of what seemed like an endless wasteland of activity. There are many distractions, high-fidelity biomes, and some of the most fantastic guns in a video game. It’s Avalanche Studio’s closest creation to DOOM, and it launches for PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 on May 14, 2019. Pre-order bonuses have already been listed, alongside the extra content contained within the Deluxe Edition.
Pre-order buyers gain access to the exclusive “Cult of the Death God” mission, the Settler Pistol, Nicholas Raine Armor, and the Mutant Monster Truck skin.” In addition, the Digital Deluxe Edition will grant the “Rise of the Ghosts” expansion, the “DOOM BFG,” “Wasteland Cheat Codes,” and “Battle Standard.” Stay tuned for new developments, leading up to release.