New Sonic Design Super Not Terrifying At All

Itโ€™s His Eyes, You See

The marketing team behind the upcoming Sonic the Hedgehog film let the new Sonic design see the light of day. It wasnโ€™t for very long, but the new blue blur is out in the wild, for better or worse. Fun new spin or starving siphon of souls? Iโ€™ll let you decide.

New Sonic Design

This hot new take on Sonic was spotted briefly on the filmโ€™s marketing page, before being shuttered away in the dark once again. Perhaps the red-shoeโ€™d speedster isnโ€™t quite ready to breathe our air? However you feel upon witnessing this new life form, I promise the internet feels worse.

Initial reaction to the new Sonic design has ranged from disbelief to resignation to frantic eye-clawing. Also Iโ€™m sure some people love it, but theyโ€™re not posting as much on Twitter, so forget them. Thereโ€™s no evidence that this is the final design, though it matches up with all the other promotional material thatโ€™s been released. If they are hoping to keep this one in the oven for a bit longer, theyโ€™re quickly running low on time. The Sonic the Hedgehog film is scheduled for release in November of 2019. I know Iโ€™m absolutely seeing this in theaters, glove-less hands and all.