Devil May Cry’s Action Scenes Come to Life
Here in the biz (we all call it that, I promise), 3D artists need some sort of reference to translate into cutscenes, and Capcom is happy to share their process with you in Devil May Cry 5’s Deluxe Edition.
Behind-the-scenes extras in video games are always awesome and this is no exception, showing fans how each cutscene was planned and put together using action figures, as well as live-action models and actors. Those who pick up the deluxe edition can swap out the full game’s cutscenes with these pre-viz counterparts, which will surely destroy any sense of immersion the player may have had, but is also likely the closest we’ll get to a live-action Devil May Cry adaptation any time soon, so I’ll take it!
It’s a simultaneously hilarious and inspiring look at how action games come together and shows some of the more humble efforts developers go to in order to achieve pure unadulterated badass action in video games.
Devil May Cry 5 drops this Friday, March 8th for PC, PS4 and Xbox One. Let us know if you’ll be swapping out the cutscenes in the comments, and check out this bizarre crossover in which Dante has the head of Hideo Kojima, and the voice actor of Dante’s recent brush with death.