Anthem Dev Lists Some Day-1 Patch Fixes

Anthemโ€™s Day-1 Patch Will Fix Several Bugs

One of Anthemโ€™s lead producers listed on Saturday a few of the fixes that are coming with the gameโ€™s launch day patch. Players can expect the patch to go live on the gameโ€™s release date, which is February 22nd.


Hereโ€™s the list of fixes that the developer revealed:

  • Getting shot by invisible people. This is streaming related. Especially on slower/full hard drives. Patch makes it much better.
  • Crashes/disconnects when talking to people in Fort. This is faction point related. Fixed
  • Loading screens rarely not completing. More fixes there.
  • Improved audio performance
  • Opening chests (counting challenges) will have a large radius. If anyone in your squad opens it, you should get credit for the open.
  • Fixed an issue where some folks said they had completed all of the trials but couldnโ€™t get into the tomb
  • Xbox settings not being saved for some folks is fixed
  • Performance on ALL platforms will continue upward. Smoother frame rate, fixed hitches. Etc
  • Day 1 patch has some optimization for 5400/7200 rpm and/or fragmented drives.

What do you think of this news? If youโ€™ve played it then whatโ€™s your opinion of Anthem so far? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.