Red Dead Redemption 2 Gang Details & Wallpapers Revealed

The Red Backdrop Makes Everyone Look Good

Yesterday, we reported on a wonderful set of Red Dead Redemption 2 images that Rockstar Games release on social media. Incrementally, we learned more about the individual members of the Van der Linde Game. Today, the cast of support characters is complete and a new set of wallpapers is available.

Below, youโ€™ll find the artwork for the colorful characters of Red Dead Redemption 2, the people you will apparently be fighting for. Of course, there are a lot more people in the game and more interactions than we can possibly imagine. But this group provides a foundation and motivation for the single-player campaign. If any particular image catches your fancy, you can download the wallpaper at the Rockstar Games website.

Dutch van der Linde โ€œTheyโ€™re chasing us hard, because we represent everything that they fear.โ€
The leader of a sizeable gang of outlaws and misfits. Idealistic, anarchic, charismatic, well-read, well-lived, but possibly starting to unravel under the pressures of the encroaching modern world.

Hosea Matthews โ€œI wish I had acquired wisdom at less of a price.โ€
A master con artist, gentleman and thief, Hosea has been Dutchโ€™s closest friend and right-hand man for over twenty years. Intelligent and quick-witted, he can talk his way into, or out of, just about anything.

Molly Oโ€™Shea โ€œYouโ€™re playing a dangerous game.โ€
A Dublin girl and the object of Dutchโ€™s affection, for now at least, Molly is too high-strung for a life on the run and itโ€™s all starting to take a toll on her.

Susan Grimshaw โ€œI swear half of you would just rot in your own filth, if nobody kept you in check.โ€

The undisputed boss and arbiter of justice in the camp, everything would have fallen apart years ago without Susan in charge. Tenacious and iron-willed, she stands for no nonsense.

Pearson โ€œThe people are happy and well fed. I think perhaps weโ€™ll be okay.โ€
The campโ€™s butcher and cook, Pearson served a short stint in the navy that he likes to talk about at length. A loud, jolly degenerate who is somewhat in denial about the turn his life has taken.

Micah Bell โ€œI believe thereโ€™s winners and losersโ€ฆ and nothing else besides.โ€
A career criminal and hitman. Wild and unpredictable but he lives for the action.

Charles Smith โ€œThe amount of hell weโ€™ve raised, weโ€™re owed some back.โ€
A relatively recent recruit to the gang, Charles is quiet and reserved but extremely competent in everything he does and virtually unbeatable in a fight. A decent, honest man who also happens to be deadly.

Bill Williamson โ€œDonโ€™t try anything stupid and we wonโ€™t do anything unkind.โ€
An ex-soldier discharged from the army, possibly dishonorably. Hot headed, he tends to act first and think later but is tough, dedicated and always ready to fight.

Leopold Strauss โ€œItโ€™s a nasty world out there, and itโ€™s catching up with usโ€ฆโ€
Originally hailing from Austria, Herr Strauss is responsible for keeping the gangโ€™s books and running their money lending operation. A serious, somewhat shifty and unemotional man, he has all the qualities a loan shark needs.

John Marston โ€œGuess about all I got left now is doubts. Doubts and scars.โ€
Once an orphaned street kid taken under Dutchโ€™s wing at the age of twelve, John has always had to live by his wits. Shrewd, fearless and strong-willed, he and Arthur are Dutchโ€™s proudest protรฉgรฉs.

Abigail Roberts โ€œIf they so much as put one bruise on him I swear, Iโ€™ll bring the fires of hell on them myself.โ€
An orphan who grew up scraping out a living in dive bars and brothels in the West, Abigail is a strong, straight-talking woman who has seen a lot of life and knows what it takes to survive against the odds.

Jack Marston โ€œDid you catch the bad guys?โ€
Young Jack has grown up with the gang, although everyone has done their best to shield him from the more nefarious elements, especially his mother Abigail. He loves everything about nature and the outdoor life, and is carefully watched over by his many aunts and uncles.

Karen Jones โ€œRunning scams, robbing banks, screwing over the rich and horrible.โ€
A consummate scam artist and trigger woman who can drink pretty much anybody under the table. Bold and full of fun, she loves the outlaw life and wouldnโ€™t have it any other way.

Javier Escuella โ€œIf we have to fight, we fight. If we have to run, weโ€™ll run. If we must die, weโ€™ll die, butโ€ฆ weโ€™ll stay free.โ€
A notorious bounty hunter and Mexican revolutionary. Javier immediately had a strong connection to Dutchโ€™s ideals. Very committed, passionate and loyal.

Tilly Jackson โ€œMost of us grew up hungry and scared and alone, one way or another.โ€

An outlaw from the age of 12, Tilly ran with another gang before joining up with Dutch. Savvy, resilient and dependable, she can more than handle herself and isnโ€™t afraid to speak her mind.

Uncle โ€œPeople call me lazy. Iโ€™m not lazy. Just donโ€™t like working. Thereโ€™s a difference.โ€
A hanger-on and good-time guy, Uncle is always around when the whiskey is open and never around when thereโ€™s any work to be done. If he wasnโ€™t so entertaining, Dutch would have cut him loose years ago.

Mary-Beth Gaskill โ€œGentlemen, I think Iโ€™ve got something good.โ€
A kind, good-natured young woman, which makes her the perfect criminal. By the time people realize theyโ€™ve been duped, Mary-Beth is already on her way home with the money.

Lenny Summers โ€œLiving free out here, like thisโ€ฆ I wouldnโ€™t have it any other way.โ€
Young Lenny has been on the run since he was 15 years old after killing the men who murdered his father. Smart, educated, competent and ambitious, he is always ready to do his part.

Josiah Trelawny โ€œHow can romance ever be silly? Itโ€™s all we have.โ€
A flamboyant conjurer, conman and trickster, Trelawny is a very hard man to pin down but heโ€™s always able to bring good leads.

Reverend Swanson โ€œI had real suffering and I lost everything, my vocation, my faith, my familyโ€ฆโ€

An ex clergyman now lost to debauchery, Swanson has fallen a long way from the standards he once set himself. If he hadnโ€™t saved Dutchโ€™s life in the past, itโ€™s unlikely the gang would have kept him around for this long.

Sean Macguire โ€œJust leave it to me. I can talk a dog off a meat wagon.โ€
A cocky young Irish thief and stick-up man who comes from a long line of criminals and political dissidents. He always wants a piece of the action and believes in himselfโ€ฆperhaps a little too much.

Sadie Adler โ€œNobodyโ€™s taking nothing from me ever again.โ€
A widow who is hellbent on taking revenge upon those who killed her husband. Relentless and afraid of nothing and no one. The wrong woman to cross, but very loyal to those she loves.

Arthur Morgan โ€œWeโ€™re thieves, in a world that donโ€™t want us no more.โ€
Dutchโ€™s most dependable and capable enforcer since he was a boy, the outlaw life is all Arthur has ever known. Sharp, cool-headed, and ruthless, but with his own sense of honor. A man who gets the job done.

Red Dead Redemption 2 reaches PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on October 26, 2018.