Ciri Casting Call Posted For Netflix Witcher Series

Looks Like They’ll Be Making A Change Or Two

The recent National Youth Theatre casting call for the Netflix Witcher series is looking for their Ciri. They’re hoping for a BAME (black, Asian, minority ethnic) girl to fill the role. Should be fine, right? Surely there won’t be scores of superfans twisting their shorts over this news, right?

The Witcher Netflix Series Ciri

The listing also goes into some basic plot details that serve to illuminate Ciri’s role in the story. According to the blurb, “We follow CIRI as she evades her captors, and in the meantime, discovers her magical talents, her dark side, and the role she is to play in the coming apocalypse.” The show’s creators are looking for someone “with something truly special about her.”

Between this and the lead role being filled by Henry Cavill, the Netflix Witcher series is shaping up to be pretty dang cool, maybe. I have an unreasonable amount of faith in Cavill’s ability to fill his role, while their vision for Ciri has me hopeful. I’m less inspired by their need for a teenage actor for the role, but I’m sure they’ll find someone perfect. In any case, we’ve got till at least 2020 before this one actually sees the light of day.