NPD Analyst Says Sony “Shifting Focus To More Short-Term Window”

While Microsoft’s E3 had a lot more to prove in terms of the long-game, Sony’s focused more on exclusives that are going to be out next year at the earliest (with the exception of Spider-Man).

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And while titles like Death Stranding and The Last of Us: Part 2 look amazing, some people are wondering if the PlayStation 4 is winding down. Maybe Sony is making plans for the PlayStation 5?

NPD Group analyst Mat Piscatella says this is possible, but their E3 showcase should be seen as a reflection of the way their approaching their objectives.

“I’m sure they have tons of new things planned but decided on a different approach in how they’re looking at E3 and what objectives they wish to accomplish,” he said.

“It looks like they’re shifting focus to a more short-term window with what they show at E3, which makes sense given how the show has shifted more towards being a consumer showcase.”

But Joost van Dreunen, CEO and co-founder of SuperData Research, doesn’t think that Sony’s focus on a handful of huge games is sustainable.

“With an install base of 75 million that makes sense for now,” he said. “But it does not provide an answer to the question what the future holds. Worse, it is inconsistent with the direction senior management recently revealed—plans to focus on subscription revenue from online gaming and streaming music and video.”

“On the other hand, Microsoft revealed plenty of new games at their E3 2018 conference, and also focused on the Xbox Game Pass, suggesting that streaming is the next step.”