New Minecraft Trailer Is All About Xbox & Nintendo Cross-Play

Cross-Platform Sharing Is Caring

The console war is anything but, where Microsoft and Nintendo are concerned. A new trailer for Minecraft advertises the game for both Nintendo Switch and the Xbox One, simultaneously. We could be witnessing history in the making.


Minecraftโ€™s new trailer features two different players from two different homes experiencing the game on two different platforms. Itโ€™s a promotion of cross-platform activity, with neither platform missing out on the spotlight. From start to finish, we see the trailer broadcast the gameโ€™s functionality on each console. And though Microsoft owns the rights to Minecraft, they apparently have no problem mixing in some red color with their green branding. But maybe they wouldnโ€™t go so far as to advertise things like Joy-Con functionality. You never know, however. Now, if they could only manage to fit some blue in the next trailer.

You can catch the cross-platform spot below.

If Nintendo and Microsoft are willing to share a screen, one has to contemplate whether Sony will ever bite the bullet and do the same. Of course, weโ€™re talking about the company that blurred an Xbox One controller in a Destiny 2 trailer, so weโ€™re not holding our breath. The point is, you no longer need two Switches to play Minecraft with a friend if you already own an Xbox One and vice versa. Go play with your friends if you own either console.