Death Stranding Cut Scenes Eyeball-Melting Good, Apparently

Kong: Skull Island Director Sounds Quite Impressed

So far, Death Stranding looks pretty fantastic. Rather insane, but an absolute feast for the eyes. That is, assuming they donโ€™t liquefy and go dripping out of your skull. According to a recent Tweet from Jordan Vogt-Roberts, some of the direct cut scenes will โ€œmelt your eyeballs.โ€

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Vogt-Roberts is the director of Kong: Skull Island, as well as The Kings of Summer. Heโ€™s also apparently directing an upcoming Metal Gear Solid feature film. The Tweet in question followed a recent visit to Kojimaโ€™s studio. This is excellent, if not predictable, news. Hideo Kojima has a real passion for cut scenes after all.

This comes shortly after Kojimaโ€™s assistant posted a couple of Tweets about said cut scenes. Beyond some curious photos of Reedus and Mikkelsen hard at work, there was also a mention of โ€œso many breathtaking lines.โ€ Again, this should come as no surprise to anyone who follows Kojimaโ€™s work. The man has treated his games like a marriage between games and movies since the 90โ€™s. With the sort of time, star power and technology currently at his disposal, it seems like Hideo Kojima is going to produce some truly face-dissolving cinematic content for Death Stranding.