The Last Guardian Team Is Recruiting for a New, Secret Project

Another Game by Fumito Ueda in the Works

Of the many things that are certain in life, one is thatโ€™s weโ€™ll see a new IP from the makers of The Last Guardian. The team recently started recruiting for new positions.

The Last Guardian Top Screen

As far as we know, the genDESIGN team, led by video game legend Fumito Ueda, is looking to recruit for a new project. To that end, theyโ€™ve created a new site to help them enlist the new talent; they even delivered the message on Twitter. Ueda, as many will note, is the chief mind behind The Last Guardian, Shadow of the Colossus, and Ico.

Usually, when it comes to recruitment ads like these, thereโ€™s some hint on what the project entails; whether itโ€™s a shooter, an RPG, or some kind of shared-world experience. Nothing. Revealed via, the listings are but barebones descriptions for job titles. You have job titles like โ€œanimation,โ€ โ€œprogramming,โ€ and โ€œlevel design.โ€ It may be that Ueda just really wants to keep the project hush-hush.

Before E3 2017, Ueda said he would like to go back to open world level design like Shadow of the Colossus. So far, this serves our biggest clue on his next project. Heโ€™s also been known for designing stunning adventure tales that revolve around intricate puzzles. Since thereโ€™s such consistency to his IPs, another open-world puzzle adventure seems like a safe bet. When weโ€™ll see it is anybodyโ€™s guess. Before then, we at least have the Shadow of the Colossus Remake to look forward to.