Fantastic and Brutal FPS DOOM Is Out Now On The Nintendo Switch

How The Hell Did They Make This A Portable Game?

Portable DOOM isnโ€™t a totally new idea. The original 1993 title has been released on every system on Earth, many of which could fit nicely in your pocket. Yet, the 2016 iteration seemed too big and beautiful to work on the go. At least, the brutal FPS used to be a strictly home-based experience. But that was before the Nintendo Switch.

Doom Switch Top

Now, your demon-slaying fix can be found pretty much anywhere. As of today, the delightful adventures of John Francis Doomguy are available on the Nintendo Switch. Sure, some concessions had to be made in order for this ridiculous premise to become real. The framerate has been halved, the resolution is a bit lower and the multiplayer is a separate, downright formidable download. Even so! This is still that delicious DOOM taste you remember from last year.

If youโ€™ve never played this particular installment in the hell-fighting franchise, now is a perfect opportunity. Forget about that weird Game Boy Advance port of the original, this here is proper portable DOOM. If youโ€™re still on the fence about whether this portable DOOM nonsense is for real, check out our review. Happy demon-slaying!

SOURCE: Press Release