Spanish Website Lists Fallout 4 GOTY Edition for Nintendo Switch

Could Bethesdaโ€™s RPG Make It to the Portable Console?

In a turn nobody was really expecting, it looks like Fallout 4 may potentially come to the Nintendo Switch. Just imagine roaming the post-apocalyptic wasteland on the go. We already know Bethesda is working with Nintendo to deliver Skyrim, but Fallout? A listing on a Spanish website provides our clue.

At the time of this writing, has Fallout 4 GOTY Edition listed for the Nintendo Switch. Everything is there, except for an official image. Nevertheless, we must take this listing with a big fat grain of salt since nothing is confirmed until it is confirmed.

One thing website gonintendo pointed out, however, is that the retailer initially had a release date for the product. The release date has since been taken down, but the product listing remains. Naturally, this makes us more curious.


Some may remember how, last month, retailers had leaked Telltale Games Batman and Guardians of the Galaxy for the Nintendo Switch. For a long time, there was no official confirmation. Not until last week did the developer come out and deliver official news on both reaching the portable console.

Everything in mind, what are your thoughts on the Fallout 4 listing? Would you buy the game for Switch? Let us know in the comments below.