Star Wars Battlefront II: Starfighter Assault is the Air Superiority of Space

Star Wars Battlefront II: Starfighter Assault Trailer is What Every Pilot Ace Wants

Ughhhhhn at least THIS Battlefield title got it right: Star Wars Battlefront II: Starfighter Assault looks gorgeous, balanced, and super fun to fly in your favorite TIE Fighter or X-wing. TAKE A HINT, BATTLEFIELD 1, WE WANT AIR SUPERIORITY. Considered a mode, Starfighter Assault players can live out their ultimate Star Wars fantasies by becoming an ace pilot in epic space battles set across authentic locations from all three cinematic Star Wars eras. Space combat has been vastly improved and expanded with superior controls, deeper customization and role-based team play featuring an all new class-based system.

Get a peek at the some of the iconic ships that players can pilot in those beautiful, high stakes dogfights that everyone loves and no one hates in the new Star Wars Battlefront II: Official Starfighter Assault Gameplay Trailer below:

Yeah, Yoda pilots a weird-looking Old Republic TIE Figher-esque ship, itโ€™s not canon, who gives a shit, I bet he wrecks mad kills and gives you the finger with his three-fingered hand and tells you to kiss off. AIR SUPERIORITY, BABY!

Star Wars Battlefront II: Starfighter Assault 1280

Be sure to tune in to the EA Live Show at Gamescom streaming on on August 21 at 9:30am PDT/6:30pm CET to watch the Starfighter Assault live gameplay reveal. 24 players will face off in a swirling dogfight in the Fondor: Imperial Shipyard map, weaving around an Imperial Star Destroyer complete with speedy fighters, thundering bombers, distinct hero ships, and I bet Yoda will be there wrecking everyone.

For updates on Starfighter Assault and the new hero ships that will be revealed during Gamescom, head to the EA Star Wars blog.