Phil Spencer’s Confidence is Contagious
E3 builds a lot of hype, and for many gamers, it is the biggest event of the year. That said, it’s also a pivotal moment for devs, publishers, and corporations to make something of themselves. That couldn’t be more true of Xbox whose chief, Phil Spencer, has been carefully moving the Xbox One in a better direction. As for what we can expect, he gave us great expectations for Microsoft’s impending conference:
For me this is one of our most interesting shows in a long time. I’m impressed with breadth and quality that will be shown.
— Phil Spencer (@XboxP3) June 1, 2017
If we take Phil Spencer’s tweet at face value, then we could be looking at, at least, a modest list of new first-party games. Crackdown 3 is already confirmed. But we won’t’ see another mainline Halo game, by the looks of it. More games alongside the Scorpio could do Xbox a lot of favors over the long haul. Even if Scorpio is a powerhouse console, it needs new IPs.
However, we have to wait until E3 2017 before we know what Spencer and crew have under their sleeves. For a better overview of Xbox and E3, be sure to visit our “10 Xbox E3 2017 Predictions That Would Even the Console War.” Hopefully, Microsoft proves they’ve been listening to fans by delivering quality content, as the tweet suggests. Either way, Spencer’s statement sounds promising.
What are your thoughts on Phil Spener’s words? Comment your own thoughts and predictions for E3 2017 below. Until next time,
Happy gaming.