We Get a Taste of Far Cry 5 Gameplay Carnage at UbiE3

Players Will Command Companions in the War for Hope County

At long last, we got our first prolonged gameplay footage for Far Cry 5. Obviously, this is one of Ubisoft’s most anticipated games, and so far the gameplay doesn’t disappoint. We’re getting gun-toting action increased to 11 in this one. Moreover, Players’ will be able to give orders to companions. Have a glimpse of what’s in store below:

Here, the pistol gets a special showcase alongside some melee action. NPCs will be available as ‘guns for hire’ to be utilized in open-world combat. Apparently, each will have their own quirk has they bring unique skills to the fight. The same can be said of in-game animals. All the typical cranks for the Far Cry series seem to be present in this footage. Later on, we expect a little more dialogue and a look into the newly-implemented character customization.


The story takes place in Hope County, Montana and sees a new antagonist in the form of Joseph Seed and his die-hard cult of followers. While the narrative has stirred some controversy, it hasn’t lost built anticipation. Later on, we expect a little more dialogue and a look into the newly-implemented character customization. We suspect there’s a lot more to behold.

There’s still a lot more to look forward to from Ubisoft’s Far Cry 5, so stick around for more of the latest coverage as it comes our way.

What are you most excited for in Far Cry 5? Let us know in the comments below.