Solid Games with Gold Make June a Solid Month for Xbox Players
We are approaching the month of June and that means more free games for Xbox players. Undoubtedly, many of you are paying attention and awaiting the freebies. Next month’s Games with Gold lineup is looking pretty solid with titles like Watch Dogs and Dragon Age: Origins hitting the free scene.
If you’re playing Xbox One, SpeedRunners will be available for the entire month of June. Later on, from June 16th through July 15th, Watch Dogs will be available for download.
But there’s another Ubisoft title on this list and that is Assassin’s Creed 3; the game will be available for both consoles, Xbox 360 and One, thanks to Backwards Compatibility. Starting June 16th, the same will be true of Dragon Age: Origins. As the game that started it all, Dragon Age: Origins lets Xbox players revisit classic gameplay for one of the best stories created by BioWare.
Microsoft is not finished, however. Anyone who owns the re-released Phantom Dust–also free–can obtain the free DLC. This, too, is available throughout the month of June.
Everything is available for XboxLive Gold subscribers. So, take advantage of the free games and new trophies. And if you haven’t already, make sure to take advantage of May’s free games which include Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris and Lego Star Wars.
Any thoughts on June’s Games with Gold? Let us know in the comments below. Then be sure to check back with COGconnected for more news, updates, and deals.