Uncharted 4 Celebrates Cinco de Mayo with Freebies

Apparently, Naughty Dog Is More a Fan of May the 5th Than May the 4th

There are many reasons to celebrate Cinco de Mayo, but Uncharted 4 just gave you another reason. In between drinks, you can now opt for some Classic Mode in multiplayer. That’s not all, however; some bonuses and freebies are coming our way.

Uncharted 4 Survival DLC

Although it’s hard to say whether Classic Mode was meant for Cinco de Mayo or if it’s arrival time is simply coincidental, here it is. The new game mode is accessible via the beta test playlist. And, depending on feedback, it may return in the future. Classic Mode is a “back to basics” game mode that forgoes the use of Mysticals, radar, downed state or sidekicks.

Furthermore, there will be no boosters, Hero Weapons, or deployable gear–with the exception of grenades. This is a bare bones experience, but many players might prefer that. Plus, the infinite respawns may help keep things enjoyable.

More importantly, playing for the Cinco de Mayo event, lasting May 5th to May 8th, earns you a nice cap with a Mexican flag on it. That’s the only freebie; correction, it’s the best gift an Uncharted 4 player could hope for.

Uncharted 4

Along with the free cap, however, playing during the event also delivers a 50 percent relic bonus on challenges. Simply log into the game anytime and play multiplayer or Survival.

Naughty Dog’s certainly pumped for Cinco de Mayo. Are you? Comment your thoughts on Uncharted 4’s event below. Will you be getting that Mexican cap? Let us know. And be sure to check back for more updates and deals. You can find Uncharted 4 for the PlayStation 4.

Happy gaming.