Sony’s PlayStation E3 2017 Conference Time Slot Confirmed

Same Time, Same Place

Coming up next month, the PlayStation E3 2017 conference will be held on Monday, June 12 at 6pm PT at the Shrine Auditorium. News broke out on time slot after a tweet from Geoff Keighley. Sony holds its usual time slot while Microsoft changes things up this year. While Microsoft traditionally holds its press conference on the Monday of the conference, the company moved its 2017 press conference to the Sunday before E3, June 11 at 2pm at the Galen Center. It now shares the day with Bethesda holding its conference later at 7pm. Meanwhile, Nintendo will likely continue doing its Nintendo Direct series which offers lots of fun flexibility but has shortcomings in that Nintendo needs to reach non-Nintendo players. The Xbox gamer watching E3 may not tune into Nintendo’s offsite presentations.
sony E3 2016
As for Sony, they’ve had very strong E3 showings in the recent years with announcements that set the industry ablaze such as Final Fantasy VII Remake and Shenmue 3. Last year’s format was praised as well for cutting out the fat and just dropping trailers of games that would excite the Sony fanbase. Who could forget the orchestra that helped to reveal the new God of War game?

It’ll be interesting to see if the PlayStation E3 2017 conference will deliver another conference knock-out. Hopefully, we’ll see more games for its PSVR that are on the level of Resident Evil 7. Lastly, my crazy-E3 dream announcement is a new Sony handheld. Get hyped, people!