EA Looking to Move 14 Million Copies of Battlefront II This Year

Latest Earnings Call Suggests EA Looking to Match or Exceed First Battlefrontโ€™s Sales Figures

Weโ€™ve already learned a couple of interesting details from the latest EA earnings call. This latest bit of news has EA looking to ship at least 14 million copies of Star Wars Battlefront II by the end of the fiscal year.

Battlefront 2 Top Screen Placeholder ea looking

The amount in question is approximately how many units the the first Battlefront shipped in its first fiscal year. Executives at Electronic Arts went a step further, declaring their intention to exceed those figures with this latest installment in the Star Wars Battlefront series. Andrew Wilson, EAโ€™s Chief Executive Officer, stated that Battlefront IIโ€™s content at launch will be around three times the size of what was initially available for the first installment.

The newest Star Wars Battlefront game will implement certain elements of fan feedback, containing a new story, new game modes, characters, locations and vehicles. If all of this really is coming to the next game, EA will likely be able to hit that 14 million mark without too much trouble. So long as all of this is available at launch and not tied to unspecified future updates, fans will respond in kind. Weโ€™ll bring you all the Battlefront news you could ever need here at COGconnected.