Overwatch Hacker Responsible for Aimbot Has Been Arrested in Korea

Overwatch Hacker Arrested in South Korea

Earlier today a report from Daum, a South Korean website, came out stating that an Overwatch hacker had been arrested! Thankfully, Calycae, a Reddit user, translated this report, confirming its contents. The young South Korean hacker who was arrested is the very same who made the aimbot in Overwatch!

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The hacker has been arrested after creating various hacking services to assist cheaters in the popular MOBA, Overwatch. Apparently, though this hackers resume is a long one, he is only 17 years old! Calycae explained that the unnamed Overwatch hacker graduated from middles school yet dropped out in high school in order to make a variety of hack programs for different video games. His hacking ability is rumoured to have begun when he was in the 4th grade after watching an anonymous hack video.

As you can imagine, creating hacks for video games can be a very lucrative business. This is one that this teenage hacker took advantage of in its entirety! The teen allegedly earned over $140,000 creating hacks for games like Overwatch, selling assistance programs for $70 to $100 each. And these hacks can be sold on any platform, meaning that PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC players can purchase them.

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As many fans of Overwatch will confirm, players who use aimbots and other hack services take away from the games fun. In a fun, yet competitive environment, these hacks take away the level playing field, and give these cheaters an unfair advantage. Of course, Blizzard is a company that doesn’t stand for cheating, which was confirmed today when it won an 8.5 million dollar lawsuit against the German cheat maker Bossland. For anyone not in the loop, Bossland effectively bypassed “Warden,” Blizzard’s cheat protection system, which violated the DMCA.

Does anyone think that jail is too harsh for the hackers and cheaters or does the punishment fit the crime? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.