Rockstar Games, IGN and AMC Team up for Epic GTA April Fools Joke

Grand Theft Auto TV Series Trailer Prank

As you all know, yesterday was April Fools Day, and there were a bunch of jokes made within the gaming industry. What you might not know is that there was one prank of epic proportions that was sure to top the rest and it came from the makers of the GTA series, Rockstar Games, with a bit of help. Rockstar Games, IGN and AMC teamed up to make a GTA TV series trailer that looked too good to be true and released it yesterday as a joke!

gta V top screen

At this point, over 800,000 people have watched the trailer, and while most must have known it was a prank, there were surely those that didnโ€™t. The trailer itself looks pretty legitimate, and if it wasnโ€™t for the day it was released on, many people wouldโ€™ve have gotten very excited about it. Hopefully there werenโ€™t many who did, only to realize after much expended energy, that it was indeed, a joke.

This was definitely the most elaborate pranks of the day, and came into the same league as when Razer  his is one of the more elaborate and higher quality pranks today, pretty much in the same league as when Razer unveiled some awesome, yet totally fake gadgets in 2014! The trailer for this alleged TV series is actually made and edited really well, to the point that it would actually make sense for a GTA series to actually come out. While it appears that IGN did a lot of the work, Rockstar Games and AMC did lend their names for the sake of the project as part of their April Fools obligation.

The trailer is entirely live-action, and shows snippets of occurrences that seemingly replicate those found in GTA Online. Set in Los Santos, the city from Grand Theft Auto V, the trailer shows clips of a man lying unconscious on the beach in his underwear, along with bar fights, police chases, awesome cars, guns, violence, drug deals, and sweeping shots of Los Angeles, including the iconic Vinewood sign. It also shows โ€œform the creators of Breaking Badโ€ and other AMC branding to give it an authentic feel. Check out the trailer below.

Of course, while this was an elaborate April Fools day prank, this trailer is actually something we would like to be real. Unfortunately, it seems very unlikely that this would ever be a real TV series.

What do you think about this elaborate prank? Let us know in the comments below.