World of Warcraft Gold Can Now Be Turned Into Money for Games Like Overwatch

Players Can Turn WoW Gold Into Money for Other Blizzard Games

Back in 2015, World of Warcraft added tokens to provide players a way to purchase in-game gold with real money, and to extend their subscription using the gold. Now, Blizzard is introducing a way to turn these tokens or gold into money that can be used for their other games! This is fantastic news for Blizzard fans everywhere!

World of Warcraft Legion Screen

Tokens can be converted into 30 days worth of game time on WoW, which has been the case since the tokens came out, but as of today the tokens can also be converted into money for your balance. Each token will convert into $15 US. This is huge for players who have amassed a lot of gold within World of Warcraft, and wish to spend it elsewhere. This new system will allow players who have earned money by playing Wow to turn their gold into real-world money that can be used towards other Blizzard products.

All of the gold/tokens will go into your wallet which can still be used for World of Warcraft purchases, such as pets and character transfers, but also for Loot Boxes in Overwatch, characters or skins in Heroes of the Storm and card packs in Hearthstone. Arguably, if players have enough gold saved up, they could even buy a couple games. This will also allow players to move funds across their different platforms, from their WoW game on PC, to their account, to their linked account on the PS4 or Xbox One!

World of Warcraft: Legion

So if we break it down, tokens cost $20 each, so it doesnโ€™t make sense to buy a token and turn it into funds. This new system works best for someone who just has lots of gold saved up. This new option of conversion is not exactly cheap, as the price to buy a token with gold in North America Realms within the past day has ranged from 57, 728 gold to 63, 647. In Europe, the price is double! If this is something that interests you, it might be a good idea to do it right away, before the price skyrockets!