Mass Effect Andromeda’s Newest Gameplay Video Focuses On How You Play

Players Get A Closer Look At Profiles, Favorites, And How to Team With Your Squad

Bioware is continuing on with its gameplay video series for Mass Effect Andromeda, and the second video is out today! Last week we covered the first trailer that looked at combat, skills, weapon classes. This week the gameplay video covers skill profiles, favorite skills set ups, and team combat. Check it out below!

Bioware previously confirmed that players would be able to reallocate their skill points at any time. They also stated that the combat system would no longer restricted by class selections. All in the name of allowing players a more flexible style of play. This video really looks like they delivered on the promise of customizable combat.

If you are a badass tank and want to send people biotically flying, looks like you can do that. Or you are a tech with drones galore but want to pack a sniper rifle that takes down charging Krogans, odds are good you can. And if you are ultimately like me, who wants to slink around with disabling tech and blow people to bits with biotics, seems doable. I don’t really like fair fights, don’t judge.

gameplay video series

Mass Effect: Andromeda is closer then ever now, and is set to release on March 21, 2017! Get ready for hours of gaming when it does, and stay tuned to COGconnected for more Mass Effect news in the meantime.