The Overwatch Community Is Angry About the D.Va and Roadhog Nerfs

The Overwatch Community Is Filled With Complaints About the D.Va and Roadhog Nerfs

The changes made to Overwatchโ€˜s hero roster are setting the Overwatch community ablaze with complaints. Which is understandable. The two tanks known for their massive damage and annoying world-map punting abilities, D.Va and Roadhog, are getting some nasty power and defense nerfs.

Overwatch Characters overwatch community

So Roadhogโ€™s hook is super OP. But thatโ€™s the point of a tank whose purpose is to pull you in and blast you in the face. But what players saw on the Public Test Realm (PTR) was very unsettling for players who main the snorty, burbling beast.

โ€œThe hook victim will now move in to the position directly in front of Roadhog, rather than just a straight line towards him. โ€œThere is a cap on how far โ€˜to the sideโ€™ you can be pulled, so you canโ€™t just hook someone, spin 180, and dump someone off a cliff.โ€

Although, in theory, this is a good thing. His hook definitely needed some changes. But the way it turned out on the PTR wasnโ€™t exactly what Blizzard had explained, and now theyโ€™re being overloaded with complaints over Reddit.

While in PTR, Roadhog canโ€™t do a 180 and throw another hero off of a cliff, he can still do it by turning 160 or less. His hook also brings enemies directly into the line-of-sight of teammates. While this may be good news to Roadhog players, this wasnโ€™t what Blizzard intended on doing. Overall, his hook is extremely hard to use and struggles to hook opponents, making him almost unplayable. Since his hook is his main weapon, and what defines his character, players are very upset that they canโ€™t use him like other heroes. They canโ€™t hook the players that they could otherwise headshot. In their eyes, itโ€™s totally unbalanced.

dva roadhog nerf overwatch community

D.Va players are not happy about her total obliteration either. While out of her mech, sheโ€™s gotten a health increase from 200 to 400 and her bullet count has increased from 8 to 11, but that doesnโ€™t change the fact that her armor has decreased from 400 to 200 and her Fusion Cannons Bullet damage has decreased from 3 to 2. Although it may not sound like much on paper, her survivability has been totally tanked. While this might not matter much to mid-level players, it heavily affects her pick-rate for competitive players, which seems to be a major complaint for the community.

Have you tried the heroes with their nerfs? Let us know what you think in the comments below!