UK Sales Chart Top 10: The Last Guardian Loses Out to Zombies

Sonyโ€™s The Last Guardian failed to take Top 5 in the UK Top 10 Sales Chart and Dead Rising 4 makes the cut

After a nearly decade-long delay, The Last Guardian was released December 9th to long-awaited bated breaths and overall positive reviews. Even we here at COGconnected gave it a solid 80 in our review below and praised its stunning presentation and emotional narrative.

However, it seems The Last Guardian has failed to hit the ground running in terms of sales. The game only managed to snag the No.7 position in physical sales for the UK Top 10 Sales Chart its debut week. Not only did the highly anticipated title fail to break into the top 5, it also fell behind its launch date competitor Dead Rising 4 (who scored the No.5 spot). Which begs the question, did people not like the game, or do people just really like shooting zombies? One may never know.

Compared to its predecessor, Shadow of the Colossus, this may seem a little disheartening. Shadow of the Colossus grabbed the top ranks its opening week back in 2006, and in Japan alone sold through almost 80 percent of its initial shipped units within the first two days. But something to consider in The Last Guardianโ€™s favor is that the sales chart week ended Dec 10th. Since The Last Guardian did not release until Dec 9th it could have lost out on a few days of quality sales numbers.

The Last Guardian Top Screen

Other results for the UK Top 10 sales chart saw Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare taking the gold for no.1 after unseating FIFA 17. FIFA 17 will just have to make do as No.2 for the time being. Battlefield 1 is still showing fairly good sales numbers, netting it No.3, with the new Final Fantasy XV from Square Enix sadly backsliding from No.2 to No.4.

Past the No.4 ranking the titles become a bit more scattered. Watch Dog 2 is only at No.6. How they beat out The Last Guardian is surprising, considering Ubisoft revealed back on Nov 3rd that the preorder sales were not at expected levels and games sales proved to be less than the original Watch Dogs.

Below is the full list of the UK Top 10 Sales Chart, not including digital sales. The most amusing rank to me is that Pokemon Sun placed No.8, while Pokemon Moon placed No.10. I blame the morning people for this one!

  1. Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare
  2. FIFA 17
  3. Battlefield 1
  4. Final Fantasy 15
  5. Dead Rising 4
  6. Watch Dogs 2
  7. The Last Guardian
  8. Pokemon Sun
  9. The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Special Edition
  10. Pokemon Moon

Was there a game you felt should have made the cut? Or perhaps one that deserved a higher spot? Let us know in the comments!