Holiday Noobs Abound This Weekend On Tom Clancy’s The Division for PC
So many huge titles are going with free to play weekends lately. It’s all part of the bloody battle for holiday dominance between publishing behemoths and we, the gamers, get to reap the rewards! Tonight, at 6pm GMT, Tom Clancy’s The Division is getting its rush of holiday noobs as they open the game to anyone who can press the “download” option. “But wait…” you might say, “it’s only Thursday…” That’s right – weekends last four days now, didn’t you get the email? Seriously though, that’s 4 nights of free play in this huge game. Links included above and below for anyone interested in the console versions, which unfortunately will not be free this weekend.
The Division has been getting some much needed attention since launch, so if you haven’t played the game in a while, now is a great time to get back into it. The core game and updates will be available for play, but not the DLC and the recent Survival update. Never the less, this is the perfect time to bully your friends into downloading it so you can all co-op your way through the ravaged landscape that once was New York. Here’s the latest trailer to help get you pumped:
Even if you don’t play well with others, the PVP system in The Division is a refreshingly adventure driven shooter. Your PVP brain will have to take into account things like stealth and selecting the right target, that just don’t feature heavily in run-and-gun shooters like Halo and Call Of Duty. You can even venture into a PVP only area called the dark zone for a real challenge. If nothing else, you can bet there will be a ton of new, inexperienced players wandering around in there this weekend just waiting to be picked off!
If you have a PC, this is a great way to spend the weekend… and Thursday night. Even if you are a console gamer, you can pick up a physical copy of the game for a paltry 20 bucks here (or here for Xbox). So head over to Uplay or Ubisoft and download the free trial. Both the regular and the gold editions will be half off this whole free to play weekend. So if you get attached to your character, you can pick up the game on the cheapsky and keep gunnin’ into next week!