Serious Sam 4 May Be Coming Soon
Croteam posted a rather interesting bit of news today on their Facebook feed today. Fans of the cult favourite shooter “Serious Sam” may have cause to rejoice, as this may very well be a stealth announcement. They confirmed the lineup in place for Devolver Digital at this coming E3 and had one simple post, stating that “things are getting serious”. It’s an intriguing bit of news for sure, as any sort of cryptic tweets or postings around this time tend to be worth at least a bit of consideration. This would be the fourth title in the series, not counting spinoffs, and Serious Sam 4 would be a welcome addition to E3’s confirmed lineup of titles.
It’s also good timing, as it has been close to 5 years since the last title in the series. Serious Sam has always done well enough to merit further entries, and the titles are a blast to play through. Serious Sam is the sort of guy who’d get along just swimmingly with DoomGuy, as the games feature a very similar premise of “Kick multitudes of ass, find tons of secrets and slay some huge monsters”. It’s a simple, visceral formula that has made both series quite popular.
Until we actually heard the words “Serious Sam 4” coming to whatever platforms it comes to (although PC is a very safe bet), this is still obviously up in the air, but Croteam knows they have an audience with this series, and more shooters in the vein of DOOM and Wolfenstein show that they are still well received, especially when the extra bit of polish is put towards them. Croteam had even jokingly announced that “Serious Sam 4 has been cancelled, next title will be Serious Sam 5”, and the devs are fond of injecting a fair bit of humor in this appropriately over the top shooter.
Keep your eyes peel on COG as we head off to E3 in the coming weeks, as you can put some “Serious” money that we’ll have all the information on this title, should it actually be confirmed.
Source: Croteam’s Facebook Page