Lucasfilm, EA, and Respawn Collaborating on New Star Wars Action-Adventure


Star Wars and Respawn… A Match Made in Heaven?

How’s this for exciting news!? Respawn is collaborating with Lucasfilm and EA to develop a brand new action-adventure game set in the Star Wars universe.  While they don’t have any additional details to share right now, they’re pretty thrilled to be able to contribute to a franchise that has shaped so many of our imaginations.

Star Wars Respawn

The Game Director, Stig Asmussen crafted a letter not only detailing his excitement on the partnership, but also offering opportunity to apply to join the team.

I’ve got a good feeling about this…

We’ve all heard this story before.  At 5 years old you see something beyond comprehension, an extraordinary fantasy that at first doesn’t seem real, but in time becomes inspirational law.  The heroes, the villains, the visions, the sounds, the music, imprinted forever.  Of course I am describing Star Wars™, the most influential franchise in modern history, and we at Respawn Entertainment are honored to have the chance to contribute to that legacy.

I am happy to announce our partnership with Electronic Arts and Lucasfilm to deliver a whole new adventure to the galaxy.­­

For me, just typing these words is surreal. I have been playing Star Wars games my whole life, now I get to make a Star Wars game.  On top of that, I get to do it at Respawn, a studio comprised of the most talented collection of game makers, creators, visionaries, and (most importantly) advocates for the player, that I have had the good fortune to work with.  And we, like you all, have no shortage ofStar Wars passion.

The entire company erupted in cheers when it was announced that this would be our next endeavor.

But it’s not all fun and games — we promise to pay respect to the Star Wars legacy at all times, a fact that will be constantly reinforced and honored as a central game design tenet.  Fans should expect the exemplary level of quality first established at Respawn withTitanfall, a game that epitomizes our studio’s dedication to slick, larger-than-life action and fun, groundbreaking mechanics.  Moving forward, we couldn’t ask for a better universe in which to continue this journey, and although I would love to share all of the exciting places we are going, we have the following piece of information to divulge with you all today:

We’ll be making a third-person action/adventure game set in the Star Wars universe.

Now, I understand on the surface this might sound a bit dry, but developing a game within the ever-expanding Star Wars universe opens up so many paths for us to go down, and an unparalleled playground to design within.  We have already planted the seeds by assembling a small, but incredibly talented team, ready for the amazing journey that lies ahead.  With this in mind we are looking to expand the dream.

Do you want to join us on a journey to a galaxy far, far away? We are hiring in all departments.

Looking back to 1977, I witnessed Star Wars unleash its magic on the big screen, forever changing me (little did I know how much at the time).  The crazy thing is this magic doesn’t have a shelf life.  Decades later I observed the same wonder in my kids’ eyes as they watched A New Hope.  What a rarity, for a book, a film, or even a game to have that kind of impact, spanning several generations, even promising to continue into future ones.  The opportunity to be a part of that is not something to take for granted.  This is an opportunity that I, the team, and Respawn could not and would not pass up.

This is the chance of a lifetime.

That’s all we know at this point, but you can rest assured that we will get all the news we can to you as soon as we have it.