Saints Row IV and Sunset Overdrive Free for Xbox Live Gold Members Right Now

Saints Row IV and Sunset Overdrive Free For a Limited Period of Time

Like every month, a fresh batch of free Xbox One and Xbox 360 games arrive mid-month for Xbox Live for Gold members.

Right now, users with a Gold Xbox Live subscription can pick up Sunset Overdrive (Xbox One) and Saints Row IV (Xbox 360).


Sunset Overdrive is an open world, third-person shooter video game developed by Insomniac Games and published by Microsoft Studios for the Xbox One. When we reviewed the game in 2014 we said the following:

โ€œSunset Overdrive is a game that attacks so many senses, in a good way, that you may just find yourself not wanting to stop playing. From the visual art style, the amount of things to do on your own, to the multiplayer experience that carries over your progress into your single player story, this game just seems to get a lot of things right. Although some may not think that this game is worthy of picking up an Xbox One for, I would say that these people would be missing out on a great gaming experience, and that would be a shame. As for those who already own an Xbox One, go out and get Sunset Overdrive and have fun.โ€

Saints Row IV is another game we loved giving the game a score over 90 back in 2013. Of note, Saints Row IV is playable on Xbox One by way of backwards compatibility, so even if you donโ€™t have an Xbox 360, you still may want to download the game.

Sunset Overdrive and Saints Row IV replace Lords of the Fallen and Dead Space, which were free up until April 15.