Helldivers Super-Earth Ultimate Edition Set to Launch August 18th

Helldivers, a top-down twin-stick shooter released March this year, is now getting an ultimate edition that’s jam packed with DLC and bonus content. Only five and a half months after the initial release, on August 18th you can purchase the original game on any of the playstation platforms, both major expansions Masters of the Galaxy and Turning Up the Heat, 12 DLC packs, a dynamic theme for PS4, and a bonus weapon pack for $39.99 USD. While it may seem a little early to be releasing an ultimate edition, the amount of DLC that Arrowhead Game Studios has created for their title is certainly enough to warrant making it available in one nice package for newcomers.

If you’re unfamiliar with Helldivers, the gameplay is reminiscient of Starship Troopers and just as deadly. Expect to fight off waves of alien enemies as you attempt to complete objectives on different planets, ranging from defending structures to blowing up infestations. Helldivers supports up to four players, and can cross-play between PS4, PS3, and Vita giving it a large user-base to draw allies from. As you progress through the campaigns, your Helldiver can gain new equipment and abilities, and with all of the DLC included in the ultimate edition you can expect a lot of diversity between play styles. The Super-Earth Ultimate Edition releases August 18th on PS4, PS3, and Vita.