Rock Band 4 Will Allow – And Reward – Improv

Want to just relax and sing a song your way, without Rock Band punishing your, um… “creativity”?  Well, with the next installment of the series, you not only can – you’ll get rewarded for it!

As Harmonix’s Dave Plante says, “Sometimes when I’m singing, especially if I’ve had a couple drinks or I’m at a party, I want to be a little bit looser with it, so I’ll choose a lower difficulty so I can sing a little more expressively without failing out.” Now, with Rock Band 4, you can choose to go to a higher pitch within the song, and the game will accommodate you.  This is a change from previous iterations, in which the game recommended a pitch-line to you.

“You can sing part of the phrase with the line, and maybe at the end you want to pop up high to a different note or sing a different counter melody…maybe you want to sing one of the harmony parts you seen, but you’re doing solo vocals. This new improv feature allows you to do that in a way that’s really, really powerful,” says Plante.

Finally – a version for those of us “true artists” who don’t like “The Man” telling us how to sing!

It is expected that Harmonix will announce the release date for Rock Band 4 at this year’s E3.