2016 Holiday Gear Guide Part 1 – Best Gear & Accessories for Xbox One, PS4, Wii U and PC

2016 Holiday Gear Guide Part 1

We here at COGconnected know that gaming isn’t always just about the games – you also need the gear to make your gaming experience even better. On that note, we’ve put together a list of must haves to take your gaming up a notch or two. Contained within this gear guide, we’ll first explore some brand new accessories and add-ons for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Wii U, 3DS and PC. If you’re looking for a gift for a gamer, we’re confident you’ll find the perfect present in this guide, or in the very least, push you in the right direction. Who knows, maybe you’ll even find something for yourself here!

PlayStation 4 Gear

With the release of PlayStation VR, PS4 gamers have a bunch of cool new accessories to get their hands on.

PlayStation VR Headset

Virtual Reality is finally hitting it’s strides, and Sony is the first console to offer the experience for PlayStation 4 gamers. While a bit on the pricey side, the experience is incredible with some big games coming in the next few months such as Resident Evil 7. The PSVR is a solid gift for any PS4 owner who is looking for something truly amazing.

playstation VR

DS4 Wireless Adaptor

Are you a PlayStation gamer who would prefer to use the DualShock 4 Wireless controller on their PC? Well, if so, Sony has a solution for you. The DS4 Wireless Adaptor will allow you to use your DualShock 4 on either PC or Mac via Bluetooth. Its’ awesome and very affordable.

DS4 Wireless Adaptor

PlayStation Move Motion Controllers 2-Pack

They’re back in a big way. With the arrival of PlayStation VR, you’ll need a means of controlling your virtual experience, so Sony is utilizing their PlayStation Move controllers. For the full experience, you’ll also want the PlayStation Camera (which works together with the PlayStation Move controllers).

PlayStation Move

Click over to the next page to check out the best Xbox gear.