God of War 4 Release Date Leaked by Two Different Retailers

What Are the Odds?

The best thing about the PlayStation 4 is its games. The worst thing about its games is the lack of release dates. Well, that may have changed where God of War 4 is concerned.

god of war 1

Earlier on, one foreign listed God of War 4 with a release date. The release date is for May 23, 2018. Since this is a middle-of-the-year release, it makes sense to take it with a huge grain of salt. But then another retailer listed the game with the same release date. Confusion all around. The first listing came from Gamescom.gr, and the second came from a European retailer.

Thanks to VideoGames24, we have visual proof of the dates. You can find screenshots of the retailer listings for God of War 4 below.

As always, nothing is confirmed until it is confirmed. Sony originally game their exclusive an โ€œearly 2018โ€ release window. May is still a way off, so players may be a bit disappointed if the listings ring true. Still, we can consider it better than nothing.

God of War 4 very recently had another gameplay preview at this yearโ€™s Paris Games Week. With everything weโ€™ve seen thus far, the game already looks near complete. Sonyโ€™s first-party titles always have that extra degree of polish, however. In a related tidbit, you can still find God of War 4 in the Day 1 Digital Sale in the PlayStation Store. Buy/pre-order any 2 new games to receive a 20% discount coupon.

Do you think this God of War 4 release date is real? What are your thoughts, if itโ€™s true? Comment down below.