Blizzard Shuts Down Fan Created Overwatch Playboy-Style Online Magazine

As you can see the art work is amazing. While Playwatch did not contain any hardcore nudity, it was certainly NSFW. What may have ultimately shut down the site was the fact Playwatch set up a Patreon to accept monthly donations. This form of monetization using Blizzardโ€™s copyrighted was bound to catch up with the website. The Patreon has also been shut down and, according to Google cache, was only at $63 total per month at the time of shutting down.

Regardless, check out some more artworks:

Playwatch Pic 2

Playwatch Pic 4

Playwatch Pic 3

Playwatch Pic 5

What do you think of this fan art? Agree with Blizzards actions here? Tell us in the comments below.