Shadow of the Tomb Raider Video Review
Lara Croft’s latest adventure is upon us with Shadow of the Tomb Raider. That’s right, it’s time for more exploration, grueling trials and savage violence, all in the name of those sweet, sweet tombs. Also this entry serves as the culmination of a three-part story that firmly establishes Lara as a daring, steely-eyed badass. Also also, the game is crazy dark. Hence the word ‘shadow’ baked right into the title!
Here’s a bit of what our boy Mario had to say on the subject:
Shadow of the Tomb Raider is the story of an intrepid scholar in her prime. Still haunted by the loss of her family, she’s led into the heart of Central America, where we face another bout against Trinity and a villain steeled by conviction in his cause. The other villain is Lara herself, whose interactions throughout the cinematic showcase illustrate her constant need to grow and gain wisdom, whether in facing down armed militants or tapping into her humanity. A few elements of the plot and story points will tickle your suspension of disbelief, but Camilla Luddington’s performance as Lara Croft, again, keeps things grounded.
Lara Croft’s latest game is out right this second on PS4, Xbox One and PC.