Beauty and Style Come Together With the Roccat Vulcan 120 Aimo Keyboard

Roccat Vulcan 120 Aimo Keyboard Video Review

Keeping up to date on the latest graphics card or making sure you have an ungodly amount of memory might be at the forefront of any PC gamers mind when it comes to keeping their rig running at top of the line, but it can be easy to ignore the quality of your peripherals. Keyboards take the brunt of our abuse, with furious typing and โ€“ for the more uncouth gamer โ€“ serious smacks of frustration. Roccat has come out with an all new high-end keyboard to try and compete with the larger names in the peripheral industry, but how well does it stack up? Check out our video review below to see what Paul thought of the Roccat Vulcan 120 Aimo.

The Roccat Vulcan 120 Aimo keyboard is designed with a slick metal finish on top and one of the most unique key designs we have seen in a long time. With the typical programmable lighting effects that are becoming more and more common these days, the Roccat is able to give off even more vibrant light as well as offer a unique mode in which light around each keystroke will react. Itโ€™s also notable for the proposed system built in that allows for faster key stroke recognition. The Roccat falters, however, with an all-plastic handrest and non-detachable USB cord. All in all, it surpasses expectations and has flawless functionality and style.

Roccat Vulcan 120 aimo

The Roccat Vulcan 120 Aimo is currently available for purchase. For more information, check out official website for all Roccat products.