Octopath Traveler Video Review
Square Enix has had a number of titles come out over the last few years, all with positive reception and a few absolutely shattering expectations. With our hearts seemingly exhausted at the sudden burst of JRPG’s the giant developer could give us, there was some concern that Octopath Traveler might not live up to the precedent set before it. That is of course until we got to see the game in action. Setting a new standard for JRPG titles, Octopath Traveler is an exhilarating and whimsical experience that we simply could not put down. For our more detailed thoughts on this fantastic title, check out our video review below.
Octopath Traveler is a JRPG released by Square Enix in which players take the role of eight different heroes across the land, experiencing each of their stories as they come together. The game draws heavily from the nostalgia of the great era of RPGs Square Enix produced back in the Super Nintendo days by not only replicating a number of combat gameplay mechanics from those games with modern updates but also features the same art style, albeit now set on a gorgeous 3D plane that feels as if the environment is popping out at you. The gameplay is solid and each character not only has a unique personality but a unique ability which can be used outside of combat to manipulate the people around you in a wide variety of ways. While it sounds like a small feature you learn quickly that these can be both vital and highly entertaining during gameplay.
Have you picked up the game already? Which of the heroes is your favorite? Let us know your thoughts on Facebook, Twitter, or the Comments section below. Octopath Traveler is available now exclusively on the Nintendo Switch. For more information, check out the game’s official website.