Ghost Recon: Wildlands Gameplay Video | 1080p Direct Feed

Ghost Recon: Wildlands Gameplay Video | 1080p Direct Feed

E3 2016 has come and gone, but while we were there we did get our hands on an extended demo of the upcoming Ghost Recon: Wildlands. It’s been a long time since we’ve seen Ghost Recon so using the term ‘highly anticipated’ doesn’t seem nearly as clichéd as it normally does. Take a look at some Ghost Recon: Wildlands gameplay from our time with it.

We were pretty impressed with our short spin of the game, and the absolutely massive size of the open world map. Our Executive Editor, Shawn Petraschuk wrote an extended hands on preview, which you can read HERE, and summed his final thoughts up like so;

As the demo came to a close it hit me that I’d just had a really good time in a genre that I have almost dutifully avoided. Not once did I feel out of place, outsmarted or like a rookie with no idea what the hell was going on. An absolutely boggling sized map, the biggest Ubi has ever created for any open world game, and the ability to approach it all in any manner you want is appealing. Whether you want to play solo or with friends you’ re going to be able to enjoy this game even if you’re a far less tactical player like myself. By opening up the accessibility of a game like this to people of all skill levels they are astronomically increasing their target demographic too. Of course, while I’m certain sales are important, the bigger thing to take away is that it makes the game better. Obviously a couple missions doesn’t give you the insight to provide any sort of in-depth review but the 30 minutes I spent did their job well. I want this game, and something tells me I’m not alone.

Ghost Recon: Wildlands hits shelves on March 7, 2017.

Ghost Recon Wildlands gameplay HERO