Let There Be Loot – Gameplay Footage of Destiny 2’s Lost Sectors

Let There Be Loot – Discovering the Lost Sector’s of Destiny 2

Destiny is known for a lot of things; an interesting and unique story about an all powerful alien being giving power to humanity, absolutely stellar graphics, gameplay that switches between first and third person, – and of course – the loot. You may recall in one of Destiny 2‘s latest trailers Cayde-6 rallies a group to follow him with promises of loot. Lots and lots of loot. It may be a key point to most games, but something about Destiny just screams the need to farm loot. Bungie learned from the masses of loot hunters in their first game and so Destiny 2 presents an all new feature in the form of Lost Sectors. Lost Sectors will be hidden areas of caves full of powerful enemies and a boss, but will offer you a greater reward when it comes to loot. Sectors can be spotted by special markers found in the wild to signal a Lost Sector is nearby, and is definitely worth your time and effort. Check out our gameplay footage below as we explore one such Lost Sector.

While going hands on with the final product of the game, our own Garrett Drake noted: “For those who possess the heart of an explorer, Lost Sectors exist to amply reward players who seek and discover them. While adventuring through the EDZ I came across a large boulder possessing a curious insignia. These markings exist on every planet and hint that there’s a hidden location nearby containing powerful enemies and even greater loot. The symbol on the boulder led me to a cave called ‘Scavenger’s Den’. Inside I faced off against an abundance of Fallen and their captain. Defeating them endowed me with a standard loot box full of rare gear and EDZ tokens. Locating Lost Sectors for the first time is a lot of fun, and far more exciting than discovering a loot box within a tiny cave like in Destiny 1.” To read Garrett’s full preview of Destiny 2, click here.

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Destiny 2 is set for release on September 6th on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, and will launch for PC on October 24th