Assassin’s Creed: Shadows Video Review
For years, fans have been yearning for the Assassin’s Creed franchise to venture to feudal Japan. 18 years after the original debuted, that dream is finally a reality. However, after games like Ghost of Tsushima and Rise of Ronin have recently explored the era, is Shadows too late to the party?
Assassin’s Creed: Shadows has had a rocky development cycle; however, after two delays, the game emerges from the dark to deliver a strong execution. With its two opposing protagonists, the game aims to respect the history of the series, allowing you to choose which style of gameplay you prefer. Naoe focuses on stealth allowing you to freely scale buildings and sneak up on foes, whereas Yasuke is more in line with recent releases, being a brute who faces enemies head-on. Although Syndicate placed two protagonists at the forefront, the latest iteration doubles down on this notion, differentiating the gameplay massively based on your choice. Want to find out more? Check out our full video review below.
Assassin’s Creed: Shadows is available now on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series and PC, and you can read our full review here. Is this everything you wanted from the latest iteration of the franchise? Would you like the series to focus on one style or continue with this hybrid? Where would you like the next entry in the series to be set? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook or Twitter. Don’t forget to subscribe to us on YouTube for more great video game content.