12 – 20 Diet Cokes, Daily | Press X To Podcast, Episode 4.21

Press X To Podcast, Episode 4.21

James, Rhett and Paul are back with another incredible episode of Press X To Podcast! Pokemon, GTA and a ton of other highly anticipated yet disappointing titles are explored in this episode. Excited for all the Game of the Year announcements? The gang also share our plans in episode 4.21 of the podcast!

Press X To Podcast 1

Did you know that Diet Coke is not, in fact, a replacement for water? John Daly doesn’t believe it, and it leads to a quick discussion of PGA 2k21. More importantly, the guys discuss the Animal Crossing DLC, Call of Duty Vanguard, GTA: The Trilogy: Definitive Edition, Pokemon Brilliant Pearl, and Guardians of the Galaxy. Some of them are at least good, while some are great. Meanwhile, Elden Ring looks kinda rad, Halo Infinite drops in surprisingly, and the gang also talks about the Game of the Year plans. Check out the packed episode of Press X To Podcast, 12 – 20 Diet Cokes, Daily below!

What are your thoughts on Paul, James, and Rhett’s take on the latest games? How much Diet Coke is too much? Are you going to grab GTA: Trilogy collection? Has Elden Ring already taken 2022’s GOTY? Make sure you let us know your thoughts and of course, your favorite parts of the episode in the comments below or on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram. As always, remember to check back for the next episode of the always entertaining Press X To Podcast. If you haven’t subscribed to Press X To Podcast yet, make sure you do so right here, and don’t forget to subscribe to us on Youtube for more video game content.

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