10 Xbox E3 2017 Predictions That Could Even the Console War

Show That Scorpio is the Best Place to Play Multiplatform Games

Exclusives are undeniably important for a console, but multiplatform games make up the bulk of a systemโ€™s library and playerโ€™s purchases. Xbox needs to use this to their advantage by making it known that plenty of the biggest releases of the year will look, and perform, better on Scorpio. One way they can drive this home is by reaching marketing agreements with publishers (striking up a Red Dead Redemption 2 deal would be especially huge) that will show players that most games will perform better on Scorpio. This is one way to change perception, and itโ€™s been shown with the PS4 Pro that developers donโ€™t mind supporting extra power if it isnโ€™t difficult to do so.

Xbox E3 2017 Predictions


Commit to New IPs

The Xbox 360 was defined by new series. From Gears of War to Dead Rising, new franchises helped keep players active on Xbox from the launch of the console to its final days. That hasnโ€™t been the case for Xbox One, as Microsoft has continued to go back to the well by continually putting out games in established franchises. While no Xbox owner will complain about getting a new Halo or Forza title, these established franchises need to be complemented by fresh ideas. Microsoft has Sea of Thieves coming later this year, and if theyโ€™re wise, theyโ€™ll be outlining plans for other new top-tier franchises. Letโ€™s just hope that this time they donโ€™t end up like Scalebound.

Xbox E3 2017 Predictions

Make Xbox Game Pass a Subscription Every Gamer Needs

One already announced feature that could make a huge splash at E3 is the Xbox Game Pass. Priced at $9.99 per month, this subscription service will allow gamers to download and play over 100 Xbox One and 360 titles. Itโ€™s an incredible value, and as long as Microsoft keeps adding to the service, it could easily become the Netflix equivalent for video games. To make this a success off the bat, Microsoft can bundle the Scorpio with a free three-month subscription to the service. This will give Scorpio owners plenty to play on their new console, get them potentially hooked on the line-up, and will essentially be the best pack-in possible. On top of this, Microsoft could make the service more appealing to current Xbox One owners by announcing that all first-party games will come to the service after one and a half years. Xbox Games Pass should be pushed, as it has the potential to be a system seller and be the difference maker between a consumer choosing between Xbox and PlayStation.

Xbox E3 2017 Predictions