4 – Urdnot Wrex (Mass Effect)
How could I place a guy with a sunny disposition like Urdnot Wrex on a badass list you ask? Yeah right. In the Mass Effect universe you won’t find a race quite as unlikeable as the Krogan; a species so badass that they were rendered sterile in an attempt to wipe them from existence. Wrex is one of the baddest of the bad. A powerful biotic warrior who has spent most of his life as a merciless gun for hire he finds himself on a journey to cure the Krogan of the genophage. Wrex hides his finer qualities of strength, courage and honor under an exterior of pure unadulterated anger. He may seem evil at first but he is bent on saving his people and that makes him at least a bit of a good guy.
3 – Marcus Fenix (Gears of War)
In the original Gears of War we met Marcus Fenix. A decorated war vet, Marcus was stripped of nearly all his pride when, during one of the human’s worst battles against the Locust, he abandoned his post to attempt to save the life of his father. Sentenced to rot in prison (40 years!) he is busted out 4 years later by longtime pal Dominic Santiago after everything falls apart. It doesn’t take long for Marcus to restore his name and take the fight back to the Locust but he’s got one hell of a chip on his shoulder as he does it. Chain sawing and curb stomping his way to victory Marcus is well deserving of his top 5 positioning in the best badass good guys of gaming. Sadly we won’t be seeing ole Marcus in Gears of War 4 but we will be seeing his son!
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