Splatoon 2 Testfire – The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Splatoon 2 Testfire – The Bad

1 – Jump Remapped

Just to get it out of the way, I died way too many times falling to my death or getting splatted by enemies because I opened the map rather than jumped. Yes, the iconic jump button was remapped from X to B, causing squids everywhere to sink. Although perhaps not a big deal as time would likely correct this habit, it was an annoyance that did not have to exist. Not only did the original Splatoon have X as jump, but so did The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, only reinforcing this habit. With more and more playtime to come, I may come to view this negative as a positive as the B button is easier to reach from the joystick.

splatoon 2 global testfire


2 – No Mid-Match Changes

One of my favorite things about Splatoon is the variety of weapons which I alluded to above. With such a variety of weapons and clothing (which were not customizable in the Testfire), it would have been ideal to let players change their primary weapons on the fly. In the Testfire, changing weapons would have been fine, with a limit imposed in the final game on the number of “classes” a player can pre-set. With the Testfire and even the final product, players will always be interested in trying out new and different weapons and abilities. However, after a minute of ineptitude, I might decide that the weapon is not for me, and want to switch to a weapon I am better with for the good of my team rather than grind it out for an inevitable loss.

3 – Handheld Mode

Maybe it’s just me, and maybe it will grow on me, but handheld mode was by far my least favorite way to play Splatoon 2. The screen’s smaller size and the Joy-Cons small feel made the game harder to play, and movement felt quite limited to me. While it provides players with an additional way to play, especially with limited space, handheld mode should be a last resort in my opinion. Of course, not everyone can find a Pro Controller or carry one around with them, so Handheld Mode may their only way to play at times. Despite this, I still found playing the game this way quite unenjoyable, but your mileage may vary.

Click on thru to page 3 to check out ‘THE UGLY’…