Love ’em or Hate ’em we Dive into the Importance of Tutorials


Tutorials, we don’t like them. At least that’s what conventional wisdom would tell you every time you overhear someone being forced into one. “Oh great, I have to go through this tutorial first, let’s get it over with!”

They’ve been around for many years and yet they still have this reputation. Why? Well, because games are broad, unique and expansive. We have figured out how to make loads of different experiences with the same inputs and displays. But this is also gaming’s greatest barrier for entry, they’re not unified and for new players, learning what each of the buttons do on a complex piece of plastic for one game is challenging enough.

Our first episode of “The Importance Of…” examines these very things, using good and bad examples to determine the value of tutorials, and how they impact our experience as gamers.